This mid-century gem was originally designed by Pietro Belluschi and built in 1940. The home was designed as a humble, modern backdrop to the 2.6 acre orchard that would become a renowned garden property. After many unfaithful updates to the service core of the house, the family sought a mending solution in the spirit of the original design. The intervention by Outside Architecture in 2018, strengthened the home's connection to the garden in the form of a new kitchen, mudroom, bathroom and studio. The new design knits with the original, but with current energy efficient construction.

Portland, OR / Under Construction

2-Unit Townhouse / 4000 SF / 3 BR, 2.5 BA

Project Team: Jeremy Spurgin, Connor Stephens

General Contractor: Bridgetown Equity Construction


Baseballism Retail


Raleigh Revision